This Year

Jul 2024 Tested ESP8266 with RC522 NFC Reader Tested slack bot that supports interaction example/slack/dialog Jun 2024 Testing LLM with langchain and eBook Building Generative AI-Powered Apps May 2024 Tested Open AI API. chat completion openai-node Tested typescript + react + styled-component + tsup + storybook Tested yarn berry Tested tensorflow lite + image classification Apr 2024
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Esp8266 Rc522

Tested ESP8266 with RC522 NFC/RFID Reader RC522 is NFC/RFID reader, and it can be integrated into ESPHOME esphome configuration # Example configuration entryhttp_request:output:- platform:esp8266_pwmpin:5id:my_buzzerrtttl:output:my_buzzergain:0.1spi:clk_pin:14mosi_pin:13miso_pin:12rc522_spi:cs_pin:15on_tag:then:- http_request.send:method:POSTurl:!secret nfc_tag_call_urlverify_ssl:falseheaders:Content-Type:application/jsonjson:tag:!lambdareturn x;- rtttl: 'siren:d=8,o=5,b=100:d,e,d,e,d,e,d,e'rtttl:'two_short:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6'binary_sensor:- platform:rc522uid:!secret my_room_cardname:"My Room Card" Two separate function binary_sensor is used by Home Assistant (see below) rc522_spi.on_tag : when nfc card is tagged, we call two services http_request.send : send to the server for additional automation rtttl.
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Year 2023

Dec 2023 Rectjs test project (reactjs, react-dom, react-router-dom, recoil, styled-component) Firebase Cloud Messaging + iOS PWA Nov 2023 Turn off Raspberry Pi 1 Beelink Mini-S Sep 2023 - NestJs, NestJS with serverless, Sentry, Migrating Firebase project into NestJS + Serverless Jun 2023 - Bitwarden May, Jun, Jul 2023 - IoT Toy Home Assistant : Running on Raspberry Pi 3 Wemos D1 mini(ESP8266) : Programmable WiFi controller (collects data or control switch/relay) ESPHome : Deployable firmware with YAML configuraion DHT11 : Temperature humidity sensor DS18B20 : Temperature sensor Relay : Toggle switch BMP180 : Air pressure sensor HC-SR501 : Passive Infrared sensor WS2812 : Addressable LED Analog AC Current Sensor : Failed to deploy (cannot get precise value, don’t know product’s defect or inproper wiring or compatibility issue) tpLink P110 : Smart Plug provides measuring power consumption Wemos D1 R1 : just tested.
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2023 Beelink Mini S

Beelink Mini S I wasn’t satisfied by Pico PC so, I bought another mini PC. the Beelink Mini S Here are some specs. CPU : Intel N95 Memory : 8GB SSD : 256GB Display Output : HDMI x 2 USB : USB-A x 4 Ethernet : 1 GbE x 1 Wifi : Wifi 5 Better than Pico PC Silent : most important Pico PC doesn’t include PWM controlled FAN.
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2023 Esp8266 Ir Remote

ESP8266 + IR Receiver + IR Transmitter When I was using raspberry pi, I bought a IR transceiver module for Arduino. and used it for several years. IR transceiver And this year, I am interested in ESP8266, so I bought another IR receiver, IR transmitter. Installed. Install esp8266 and voltage converter on breadboard. Install IR receiver and IR transmitter in front of tv
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Raspberry Pi 1

My Raspberry Pi 1 Bought : ₩58,000 2013/04/24 with : PiFace, BOARD, I/O EXPANSION, RASPBERRY-PI (₩48,570) At First : install raspbian. tested relay, and tested led on PiFace As a IR Remote controller : telegram-bot-try2, 2019 May IoT project As a Thermal sensor : finally just read DHT11 temperature/humidity and send it to the server. #!/bin/bash export API_URL=https://public-api.
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Esphome Relay Fan

ESPHOME + Relay + FAN ESP8266 PCB ESPHOME esphome:name:sixesp8266:board:d1_mini# Enable logginglogger:# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:password:""ota:password:""wifi:ssid:!secret wifi_ssidpassword:!secret wifi_password# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection failsap:ssid:!secret wifi_fb_ssidpassword:!secret wifi_fb_passwordcaptive_portal:# Example configuration entryswitch:- platform:gpiopin:GPIO4name:"Switch2"inverted:true- platform:gpiopin:GPIO5name:"Switch3"inverted:true- platform:gpiopin:GPIO12name:"Switch4"inverted:true- platform:gpiopin:GPIO13name:"Switch5"inverted:true- platform:gpiopin:GPIO14name:"Switch6"inverted:trueHome Assistant automation Turn on when RPi4’s temperature is above 58 alias:rpi4-coolingdescription:""trigger:- platform:numeric_stateentity_id:sensor.rpi4_temperatureabove:58condition:[]action:- type:turn_ondevice_id:98f3c834a50732c3b8981d0d5925158aentity_id:186a943f4f7f486e95ce2bb1c6751a7fdomain:switchmode:single Turn off when RPi4’s temperature is below 50 alias:rpi4-cooling-stopdescription:""trigger:- platform:numeric_stateentity_id:sensor.
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